Tuesday, December 15, 2009

True/Not True

You know I really just have to vent about this. Who in there right mind would just come out and tell me "Hey we can't hang out anymore because (mad person) thinks that I am trying to hook up with (---) and so I don't want her mad at me so we just can't hang out anymore okay." First off, can you sound anymore guyish than that? I mean come on seriously. Don't get me wrong I love this (mad person) to death, she is one of my best friends. But everyone who knows (me and mad person) relationship also knows that this is not something we would argue about, nor would she even care about. Second of all, I thought you had balls, use them. Grow up, this is not high school anymore. No one can tell you who you can and can not be friends with. Just like no one can tell me, well with the exception of one person (which I must add I really really respect this persons feelings). And, if she made you feel bad, tell her how you honestly feel. Dont hold back your feelings. Express them. Trust me. This coming from someone who holds back her feelings a lot because she can't express them right and then I end up flipping a lid on someone out of the blue and they are like "WTF?!" Ask Justin :). Thirdly, do I get any say in this?! I did not ask to come into this situation. I am friends with all of you guys and if you guys have a problem, work it out amongst yourselves. Don't get me involved. I had absolutely nothing to do with the situation. I really hate when people people do this. Obviously if (mad person) had a problem with me, she would come to me. ME, NOT YOU. You don't get to make all the decisions for everyone around you just so you can make yourself "feel better" and "not hurt" anyone. Now my opinion to the (mad person), if HE wants to go out and get with (---), that is their problem. If she is not objecting to it that you can't blame it all on him. She is just as guilty and you should be just as upset with her as you are him. Anyway that's it for now. I'll blog once the "DRAMA" that I don't want to be in is resolved. xoxo


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