Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday- day of rest and football

So late night I went to the Stoney concert in Ft Worth; it was amaZing! Every time I see him in concert I like him even more. He has that raspy type voice which I love! Hence the reason I like Johnny cash.

Yesterday was very productive. I got up and went to the gym! I did about 35 mins on the elyptical. Then I did leg raises and squats,etc. I'm really proud of myself. It gave me a lot of energy. So much energy that I came home and started cleaning my apartment! It was a walking train wreck. You couldn't even walk in my room without stepping on something! It's super clean now just have to finish up some laundry today; which will be completed after football..
I woke up today and had an amazing conversation with Justin. Here lately he has been so consumed with school it's been hard to have long conversation with him. Plus we have had opposite schedules. But it was great to lay in bed and have a conversation with him. So he has been planning this trip for us which I am super excited about!! Although he won't tell me where we are going. However I like suprises so I can't wait to see what this trip has in store.
Well time for some more football, but here is photos from
Last nights concert:


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