Thursday, February 11, 2010

I lost an earring

I just had to make that the topic of my blog today because, literally, I lost one of my heart earrings last night. It seriously is a travisty!! It is snowing hard in Plano, well take a look:

I can't express how bad I would love to be in bed right now, or at home, building a snowman. Do people actually do that anymore?.. It seems like people are so uptight they don't know how to have fun anymore. Wait, let me rephrase, don't know how to have fun without consuming alcohol. Don't get me wrong, Im guilty of that as well. So Light, Josh, and I went and played darts at our old stompin grounds called "T's" in Lewisville. We never go in there anymore. A year ago, thats where we would always be. Anyway back to the point, Josh got hit on by Shadow. And if people don't know who Shadow is, first of all, an amazing saxiphone(is this right? Im not a good speller) player, who also is same sex oriented. Lightman and I were cracking up. I dont think Josh found it to amusing but it was funny for Light and I so that's all that matters.

So the dreaded Holiday is coming up. Valentines' Day. Ugh. Make me gag. Don't get me wrong I love the mushy hearts, flowers, showers of affection stuff, but not when you don't have someone. It's just a true hurtful reminder, your alone. And all of these Kay Jewelers, Robbins' Bro's commericals about proposing..again, gag. I mean come on, can't guys come up with something more original than that? Proposing on Valentine's Day? No offense guys but be more creative. You should do it when the woman leasts expects it. Yah SO TO ALL MY FRIENDS THINKING OF PROPOSING ON VALENTINE'S DAY: DONT DO IT! ~BE UNIQUE, BE CREATIVE.

I think that's about it folks.
Damn, i really hope I find that earring...

let me know if you find it.


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