Monday, January 4, 2010

My new year

So I went to the cotton bowl this weekend! I absolutely love cowboy stadium! But come on Jerry... $8 for one bottles beer? Your crazy. My cheap ass only bought one.. Well all i could afford.

I have to blog about the whole tech situation. Come on are you serious?!!! Now in no way am I saying what Leach supposably did was right; but come on! This is the guy who has taken you to ten bowl games. Who has brought your football team back and off probation. Yea he is crazy and doesn't give the best dating advice (you tube that by the way) but he was a great coach. The way the AD and tx tech handled the situation is not right. The school will be paying a lot more in the long run. Leach will sue your ass and more importantly you have no coach, again. However, good job to the defensive coordinator who brought them the win. I will continue to watch tech next year, however my respect for the football association at tech has gone down tremendously. I will also root for the team Leach coaches. Now, onto Mr. Pussy Adam jones. Act like a man grow some balls and play tackle football. You act like you were gunna get killed if u left that room. By the way, I emphasiZe room because it was a room not a closet as you said. And run to ur daddy none the less? Just because your daddy is somewht of a "big wig" at ESPN... Doesn't mean you can play football!!! Seriously grow up step up and be a man!
Anyway here is a photo from
The cotton bowl:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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