Thursday, November 18, 2010

Holy Cow!

Wow it has been forever and a day since I blogged! If you think about it, I really don't have time to anymore. I know I said I would last time but with my new job I just haven't had time. Well let's start with that, work.

After I lost my job in June, I was searching for another position immediately. Well my friend Cynthia's dad owns a company and I asked her if she might be able to get me an interview because I had done recruiting before. Well, I got hired. I got hired as a physician recruiter, recruiting ER doctors for the wonderful states of TX and MS(aka the land of a shortage of doctors). Well at first I wasn't sure how it was going to work out. I think I was just nervous. For some reason, something just clicked in my head. I started getting tons of doctor's on the schedule. To this day I have gotten about 15 doctors on the schedule. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but come on, everyone knows DOCTOR's HHHHHHHHHHATE paperwork :) Anyway, I got promoted to a Senior Recruiter in October and now I recruit for Oklahoma, Lousiana, and Mississippi. It's been a challenge but I am definitely pushing to succeed.

Love, well we have had some rough patches and I know I've threatened to break up with him quite a few times but we have stayed strong together. Hey, everyone has faults and sometimes he can do the stupidest thing and it brings out the old side of me. The new side of me just shruggs it off. He is not the most romantic guy, he's not the most smartest guy when it comes to women (you guys know what I am talking about!!), but he listens, he's calm, and he makes me laugh. These past few months have been most challenging because of our financial situation. I do have to admit, he stresses alot more than me. It's funny because the roles used to be reversed. I used to stress about everything and take it out on everyone. Now, I get stressed but not near as much. I try not to take it out on anyone, yet, sometimes I know I do. I don't like going out anymore. I would rather stay at home or go to a friends house anyday. I'm kind of over the bar scene. And I think maybe I have stayed up until after 2AM maybe twice in the past few months(:

Health, I have improved so much from where I used to be. He trusts me when I go out alone now. In fact, I think i have had a hiccup maybe once in the past month. And it wasn't even a bad one either. I have been dieting again. I started this apple cidar diet about two months ago. What you do is you take two tablespoons of cidar and mix it with a cup of water. Drink it 15 minutes before each meal. It makes you fuller faster so that you don't eat as much. I can definitely tell that my stomach has shrank because I couldn't eat half a sandwhich yesterday.

Okay so I talked about work, love, health. I don't know if anyone saw the photos but I went as Marge Simpson for Halloween. Yes I made my costume. It was a whole lot of fun making and preparing! We ended up winning like $150 bucks for our costumes. Which covered the portion it took to make it. See below.

I got a new puppy! Omg and I love her already! She is 8 weeks old this past Monday. She is a chocolate and tan mini daschsund! I named her LC <3 She is still in the puppy stage and wines ALOT but i still love her.

Below are some pictures since the last time I posted.

I gotta birthday coming up, I'm turning 26! YIKES.
well til next time..


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