Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday thoughts


I can't believe something like this would happen. What would be so bad in a nine year old kids live that he would want to die? I know he was at school, but parents need to observe their children more carefully. If your child is displaying actions of sadness or you feel something is wrong, TALK TO YOUR KIDS!! And how in the world would a nine year old kid learn how to do that? It's just so sad and anastonishing that something like this would happen; and in the city in which I live.

On a brighter note:
I am taking everything day by day to make myself a better person. I made a promise to myself that I was going to forget the past and move on. I will no longer let it reflect the relationships I have with other people. I will also work harder at not getting mad at the small things. Well I wouldn't say mad, I'd say more about noticing the small things rather than getting mad at them. But yah anyway I'm definitely going to try and work on that. Next, I need to work on my insecurity issues. A lot of people say "Kandise you have nothing to be insecure about." But like I said I am letting go of the past, the things that made me develop the insecurities, and move on." You know I think I was to that point that I thought I might never be happy; and then whenever I was happy it scared me so much that I ran from happiness because it was something that I was not used to. All these things are going to take a lot of work and I guess I am going to be needing a lot of support but I am sure once I turn these things around in my life I will be the person that I used to be.

Okay so my favorite part of American Idol is the beginning of the season when they have all the funny people on. Can you believe one guy got escorted out in cuffs? Okay now I know some people strictly try out for that show for publicity time. Come on! -- If you can't sing why waste your time? Okay and the guy that ripped his pants? You let him through? He couldn't sing! But seriously my favorite one of the week was that Matt Lawrence guy! I seem him going far so if he does I will definitely be team Matt!!

well thats all for now. hurry up weekend.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

southern voice

Day 1
For someone who does't give a sh** you sure do have an odd way of showing it. Texting me, telling me basically how horrible of a person I am, monitoring my facebook. Come on now, you said you don't give a sh** so quit giving a sh**.

I'm too swift on my toes to get caught up with you hoes..hmmm. So I am a hoe now? Two can play this game.

My boss is out of town so I will be working by my lonesome the next two days. Which really isn't that bad. Tonight I believe I am going to go dancing, for the first time in a while. Well that's all for now.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

History in the making

So I haven't updated in awhile. Well since last week. I went on two job interviews these past weeks.. I wont hear back from one of them until this friday. The other one went well, however, they just did not have a position open for me. My boss is going out of town this week so I have been working more this week than usual. Which is totally okay with me. I have had a cold the past two days. I had it the day after news years but I thought I got rid of it. Yesterday I could barely hold my head up while I was at work. I feel much better today though. Thank goodness!

Monday, January 4, 2010

My new year

So I went to the cotton bowl this weekend! I absolutely love cowboy stadium! But come on Jerry... $8 for one bottles beer? Your crazy. My cheap ass only bought one.. Well all i could afford.

I have to blog about the whole tech situation. Come on are you serious?!!! Now in no way am I saying what Leach supposably did was right; but come on! This is the guy who has taken you to ten bowl games. Who has brought your football team back and off probation. Yea he is crazy and doesn't give the best dating advice (you tube that by the way) but he was a great coach. The way the AD and tx tech handled the situation is not right. The school will be paying a lot more in the long run. Leach will sue your ass and more importantly you have no coach, again. However, good job to the defensive coordinator who brought them the win. I will continue to watch tech next year, however my respect for the football association at tech has gone down tremendously. I will also root for the team Leach coaches. Now, onto Mr. Pussy Adam jones. Act like a man grow some balls and play tackle football. You act like you were gunna get killed if u left that room. By the way, I emphasiZe room because it was a room not a closet as you said. And run to ur daddy none the less? Just because your daddy is somewht of a "big wig" at ESPN... Doesn't mean you can play football!!! Seriously grow up step up and be a man!
Anyway here is a photo from
The cotton bowl:

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