Monday, May 17, 2010


There is a specific reason this is the title of my blog post. It describes my life in this very instant. I am truely happy, in fact, I think this is about as happy as I have ever been. I started to believe that I might not ever find that person whom I had developed this mental image of what I was wanting in a man. I have been told I was somewhat of a picky person when it came to guys that I dated. I can sort of see that, but then I sort of can't either. Anyway, whenever I first met Ben, I had recently broken up with my ex boyfriend, and I wasn't really looking to date or find someone. I was always told, don't go looking for love, let it look for you. Well the night Ben and I met, we exchanged numbers, and I think we went a few days without like even being in contact with each other. Which is okay because I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do, and I was certainly not going to contact him and make me look desperate!! But fasting forward to the present time, I must say, Ben is the only guy who has ever been yelled at by me and not bitched me out or threatened to break up with me (which I might add DOESN'T happen very often). He always makes sure that he tells me who he feels about me, always compliments me so I feel loved. I love and cherish every moment I get to spend with him. We also have deep conversations, which I actually get to be involved in, in the past it was all about the guy.

I hope this new adventure of ours continues to grow and keep growing. Time to leave work, but one last thing, Ben if your reading this, I love you and you truely make me the most happiest I have ever been in my life and I have absolutely no hesitation when I say that what so ever.

all for now.
